Proposed Changes in Garbage Pick Up


Click Here Call to Action

Update - Commissioners Gambrill, Birrell, and Richardson have all committed to tabling the trash proposal. This is good for the discussion but the issue will not entirely go away. Please continue to stay informed. And, thank you to everyone who answered the call to action.

The situation:

If you are concerned about the proposed Cobb County Commissioners vote to restrict your garbage pick up in SGMHP to only one company  - you can take action before their September 27th vote.   They want to vote on having zones for Cobb County and having only one service provider in that zone. Under the proposed trash pickup amendment, four trash pickup zones would be created, and each would be designated a single hauler. Other haulers would not be allowed to service that zone. So Cobb County residents would not be allowed their free choice to choose which trash hauler they wanted to use but would be forced to use the trash hauler that the Cobb County Commissioners decided on.  You can go to this site and get all the information. Move down to the blue box that says - Click Here Call to Action. There you can just copy and paste all the email addresses to send an email to the Cobb County Commissioners.                                 

Related links:

What is the Issue & Timeline?

Cobb County proposal to assume control over who & when your household and lawn debris will be picked up and how much is will cost each homeowner

This is primarily in response to complaints around one large (international) provider, American Disposal.

Lisa Cupid, Commission Chair, plans to vote on the code amendment to effect this change after the September 27th Meeting regardless of community feedback heard in that same meeting.

Why Should I Be Concerned?

It will destroy jobs & small businesses:  18-20 permitted local trash haulers are not of size and scale that the county believes could handle the new 4 large service districts being created, so it is highly likely they will be forced out of business

“Cobb County Attorney Bill Rowling said that the proposed code amendment, as written, would allow only four trash haulers in the county, in each of the four commission districts.

“I don’t know if there are four haulers that could take on the magnitude of that kind of lift, to gear up” to provide such an expanded level of service, he said.”

Everyone will pay more

Unfair distribution of cost:  Not everyone will pay the same amount for the same service (a progressive tax)

Attached article cites an 18% real estate tax increase to fund paying for a call center to take complaints and administration trash service to 4 districts each with one hauler.

The higher the real estate tax bill, the more that homeowner will pay for trash collection

Example, $4000 tax bill will result in $720 annual increase, or $60 per month.  If you are currently paying $35.00 per month in the future you pay $60 per month.

Creates monopoly – Lack of competition tends to decrease quality of service

Gwinnett County adopted this solution, cost went up, service went down

Learn the Facts Behind Current Recycling

The market for recycled paper, plastic, and metals has drastically changed in last 10 years

Much of what you put in recycle bin & may pay extra for, may very well wind up in the landfill here in US, or some foreign country

We all care about the environment; however, we must drive change for packaging with manufacturers while also funding recycle technologies at the back end

P.S.   Hugh’s Garbage Service is the only trash hauler that serves our three neighborhoods that has small trucks to drive up your driveway and pick up the trash at your house.  Neighbors that for any reason such as age, infirmary, mobility can not push their loaded trash cans up or down their driveway to the street will be denied that service because Hugh’s Garbage will be put out of business if this new proposal passes.